• Robert E. Lee… a touching tribute…

    Updated: 2012-04-30 21:54:04
    Buried deep within a September 3, 1868 issue of The New-York Times is a touching tribute to Robert E. Lee.  This, along with several other articles from throughout the newspaper, provide a glimpse of this difficult post-Civil War period – with Nathan Bedford Forrest’s interview, the tension over support for Ulsysses S. Grant’s run for [...]

  • Topsy the elephant… Thomas Edision vs. Nikola Tesla…

    Updated: 2012-04-30 21:54:04
    Each day at Rare Newspapers brings new discoveries.  Today we found an item which is quite historic.  In 1903, the battle between Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla (and Westinghouse) as to which form of electrical current (DC or AC) was to become the standard, was largely decided – with Edison’s DC current being the loser.  [...]

  • Southern Illustrated News images on Pinterest…

    Updated: 2012-04-30 21:54:04
    The Southern Illustrated News (Richmond, Virginia) was the Confederate counterpart to Harper’s Weekly Illustrated (NY, New York).  While its distribution and duration were limited, the issues have become quite collectible.  Portraits of Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee, John S. Mosby, J.E.B Stuart, John H. Morgan, along with nearly every other notable figure from the Confederacy [...]

  • The Traveler… a sad headline day…

    Updated: 2012-04-30 21:54:04
    Today I found myself in a period of time that is so familiar to all that unfortunately not much really needs to be written about it. The Tribune, Los Angeles, April 16, 1912, reported the sad headline of “Titanic Sinks; 675 Are Saved 1800 Go Down In Ship, Report” and contains many reports, photos, illustrations, [...]

  • Period printing… Did you ever notice…?

    Updated: 2012-04-30 21:54:04
    A few months ago we received an inquiry from one of our friends wondering why pre-1900 newspapers included a period after the newspaper’s title in the masthead.  While I hold hundreds of such issues in my hands each week, I had never taken notice of this.  Wondering if this was in fact the case, I [...]

  • Happy Passover… Happy Easter…

    Updated: 2012-04-30 21:54:04
    President George Washington is known for his letters to various Hebrew congregations (Newport, Savannah, etc.) and churches which are filled with spiritual references. Considering the recipients, such language might be expected even if the writer was not a person of faith.  However, the following is a speech he gave to the leaders of Philadelphia upon [...]

  • If at first you don’t succeed…

    Updated: 2012-04-30 21:54:04
    A post-Civil War issue of the New York Herald, October 2, 1865, had an interesting article regarding a young lady who was determined to elope… and the lengths her parents undertook to retrieve her… on more than one occasion.  Perhaps the 3rd time will be the charm.  Please enjoy:

  • Siege of Petersburg Online at BeyondtheCrater.com

    Updated: 2012-04-29 18:12:57
    The Siege of Petersburg near Richmond, Virginia is featured in an excellent online resource called “Beyond the Crater”.   Don’t miss this detailed coverage of a series of campaigns that are sometimes overlooked in the study of Civil War strategics. … Continue reading →

  • The Patriot War – Part 3

    Updated: 2012-04-06 09:03:03
    Patriots Open a Second Front Along Michigan Border As noted in the last post on the Patriot War, Buffalo New York opened its arms to fleeing Canadian rebels in December 1837. Buffalo citizens pledged money and munitions to help the … Continue reading →

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